Monday 30 May 2022

How to avoid insomnia and feel awake in the morning?


Physiologist Vasily Orlov told SOLENKA.INFO in an interview how to avoid insomnia and feel awake in the morning.

The specialist noted that quality and adequate sleep is very important for our health. The fact is that during the night rest our body recovers from a long day of work.

According to a specialist, to understand how well a person had a night's rest is possible to understand his/her state of health in the morning and during the day. He noted that one of the most important factors determining the quality of sleep is a sufficient amount of the hormone melatonin, which is produced only in the dark. The less a person sleeps during the dark hours of the day, the less melatonin he or she has.

Deficiency of this hormone increases the likelihood of developing infectious diseases, cardiovascular diseases and other pathologies. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant that protects the human body from the damage that free radicals cause.

The physiologist gave some tips, the observance of which will help to get rid of insomnia and feel awake after waking up:

  1. Try to go to bed at the same time. It is better if it happens between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m.
  2. Before going to bed, turn off any lights in the room and draw the curtains.
  3. One hour before going to bed, give up watching TV, telephone and computer.
  4. Monitor the temperature of the air in the room. It should be slightly cool. This will stimulate the production of melatonin.
  5. Minimize the amount of stress, don't abuse caffeine and alcoholic beverages.
  6. Be outdoors more during the day and don't forget sunbathing.
  7. Drink water purified from fluoride, as it disrupts the epiphysis.
  8. Take glycine before going to bed. This amino acid is beneficial for serotonin production.


Friday 27 May 2022

You Can Now Treat Your Insomnia Through an App


About 70 million people in the US suffer from insomnia every year. But thanks to medicine, there are a few efficient ways to tackle the problem of not being able to fall asleep while you’re lying in your bed.

Working out, simply relaxing an hour before going to bed, or just taking some pills are some of those ways to get yourself able to fall asleep while your brain wants something else. But today we’re glad to propose to you a more technological way to solve the issue.

You Can Now Treat Your Insomnia Through an App

The Sleepio app might be the key

 The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence in the UK (NICE) recommends people to use the Sleepio app to get rid of their insomnia. Instead of relying on sleeping pills, the app-based treatment is a worthy alternative, according to the institute. And last but not least, using the app can also save you some money. 

The Sleepio app inflicts tailored digital cognitive behavioural therapy for overcoming insomnia by using AI. The software will be on the lookout for whatever may be causing a person to have trouble falling asleep – certain thoughts, behaviours, or feelings. If that’s not convincing enough for you that the developers of the app know what they’re doing to get you rid of your insomnia, you should keep in mind that the app provides a self-help program that lasts for six weeks. That involves weekly interactive CBT-I sessions.

Jeanette Kusel from MedTech and NICE said:

Our rigorous, transparent and evidence-based analysis has found that Sleepio is cost saving for the NHS in primary care compared with sleeping pills and sleep hygiene. It will also reduce people with insomnia’s reliance on dependence forming drugs such as zolpidem and zopiclone.

This is a good example of where a digital health technology can help the NHS. The evidence has shown using Sleepio reduces the number of GP appointments people with insomnia need and will also cut the number of prescriptions for sleeping pills delivered by pharmacists.

You can already find Sleepio in Apple’s App Store. 

Thursday 26 May 2022

Types of Insomnia


Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that makes it hard to fall asleep and/or remain asleep. Insomnia prevents you from getting the amount and quality of sleep you need to function normally.

Without treatment, insomnia can affect daytime alertness. It can impact your ability to think, remember, and react. It can also affect your health and disease risk.

Not everyone who struggles with insomnia has the same issues. Different types of insomnia vary in their cause, the sleep problems associated with them, and how long they occur.

This article discusses the types of insomnia, their symptoms, and how the condition is diagnosed and treated.

trouble sleeping

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Types of Insomnia

All types of insomnia interfere with getting the amount and quality of sleep you need. The effect of insufficient sleep on your body is generally the same across all types of insomnia.

Common symptoms across all types of insomnia include:

  • Taking a long time to fall asleep
  • Having a cycle of sleep and wakefulness through the night
  • Feeling that you didn't sleep when you awaken
  • Having daytime fatigue or sleepiness
  • Lacking motivation or energy
  • Having problems paying attention, remembering, or concentrating
  • Being unable to perform normally at work or school
  • Being irritable and moody
  • Making preventable errors or having accidents
  • Being concerned about your lack of sleep
  • Waking up too early in the morning

Understanding the variations of insomnia can help you identify the factors that may be causing your problem so you can work to correct them.

Acute vs. Chronic Insomnia

Insomnia can be classified by the amount of time the problem affects your life. It can be described as acute (short term) or chronic (long term). It can also occur for a period, stop, and then recur.

Acute insomnia involves problems falling asleep or staying asleep at least three days per week for a period of between one week and three months. It is usually linked to one of the following factors:

  • Stress at home and/or work
  • Stress in personal or professional relationships
  • Physical injury
  • Environmental changes caused by light, noise, or temperature
  • Acute pain
  • A traumatic event such as the loss of a loved one, divorce, or job loss
  • Jet lag
  • Temporary use or withdrawal of caffeine, alcohol, illegal drugs, or prescribed medications
  • Shift work

Chronic insomnia involves being unable to fall asleep or stay asleep at least three days per week for a period of three months or longer. It may result when the stressors that cause acute insomnia aren't handled.

Chronic insomnia can also occur as a symptom or side effect of one of the following conditions:

  • Chronic medical conditions like GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), heart disease, or thyroid problems
  • Other sleep disorders like sleep apnoea or restless legs syndrome (RLS)
  • Chronic mental health problems like depression, anxiety, or PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
  • Long-term use of certain medications or illegal drugs
  • Long-term use of caffeine or alcohol 
  • Lack of regular sleep habits

Primary vs. Secondary Insomnia

Insomnia can also be classified based on the condition's relationship to other issues.

Primary insomnia occurs when your inability to sleep isn't linked to a known cause. The fact that you can't sleep and/or remain asleep isn't due to a side effect of a medical condition, psychological issue, or medication.

Primary insomnia may occur due to unknown causes, though it can be linked to the effects of the following issues:

  • Long-lasting stress
  • Emotional distress
  • Travel or jet lag
  • Shift work

Secondary insomnia accounts for most cases of insomnia. It can be acute or chronic. Secondary insomnia occurs as a side effect or symptom of one of the following factors:

  • Medical conditions
  • Psychological conditions
  • Sleep disorders
  • Substances like caffeine, alcohol, or tobacco
  • Prescription medications or illegal drugs

Onset vs. Maintenance Insomnia

Insomnia can be defined based on where it interferes with the natural sleep cycle. It can prevent you from falling asleep and staying asleep.

Onset insomnia affects your ability to fall asleep at the time you wish. It is usually linked with psychological or psychiatric issues. Onset insomnia can also be a symptom secondary to a medical condition or sleep disorder.

Onset insomnia is more common in younger than older adults. It can also occur when children become stressed by being alone before sleep.

People who have onset insomnia often have one of the following conditions, though others are possible:

  • Psychophysiological insomnia (PPI)
  • Obstructive sleep apnoea-hypopnea syndrome
  • Periodic limb movements in sleep (PLMS)
  • Delayed sleep phase syndrome
  • Congestive heart failure 
  • Restless legs syndrome

Maintenance insomnia is a condition that makes it difficult to maintain sleep after you've fallen asleep. It occurs more often in older adults since sleep cycles change with age.

How Sleep Changes As You Age

As you age, you spend more time in the lighter stages of sleep and less time in the deeper settings. This makes you more aware of environmental changes, such as noise. It also makes you more likely to react to physical changes, like arthritis or nocturia (nighttime urination), that occur while you sleep.

Other Types of Insomnia

Other types of insomnia include the following:

Behavioural Insomnia of Childhood

Some types of insomnia are more common in children. They occur when children associate certain behaviours with falling asleep. They include:

  • Sleep-onset association insomnia occurs when children rely on actions, such as being rocked or held, to fall asleep. They become unable to sleep without the specific action.
  • Limit-setting insomnia occurs when a child acts out before bedtime. They typically make repeated demands and refuse to go to sleep. This often occurs because they don't have a strict bedtime routine that is enforced nightly.

Idiopathic Insomnia

Idiopathic insomnia is a form of chronic insomnia. It occurs without any visible causes. It often begins in childhood and becomes a lifelong problem that occurs nightly.

Inadequate Sleep Hygiene 

Inadequate sleep hygiene is a sleep disorder that occurs when you have sleep habits that interfere with sleep. This problem can develop when you don't have a healthy bedtime routine to help you fall asleep naturally.

Paradoxical Insomnia

Paradoxical insomnia is a disorder in which you complain of getting poor sleep or not getting enough sleep, even though there is no evidence of a sleep problem.

Psychophysiological Insomnia

Psychophysiological insomnia is defined as having a state of heightened arousal, worry, and anxiety about sleep and sleeplessness. Instead of falling asleep, people focus on their sleep and are concerned about not getting enough of it.

Psychophysiological insomnia is considered a learned form of insomnia. It usually occurs when you can't sleep and then become overly concerned about getting enough sleep. Even though you may realize that your anxiety interferes with sleep, the worry increases as you remain awake.

Complications of Poor Sleep

Getting inadequate or poor sleep due to insomnia can have a dramatic impact on your physical and mental health. Without proper rest, your body and brain don't have a chance to repair themselves. Lack of sleep can impact your overall well-being.

Insomnia can increase your risk of the following complications:

  • High blood pressure
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Stroke
  • Depression
  • Injury to yourself or others in an accident as a result of impaired cognitive abilities

How Insomnia Is Diagnosed

Your healthcare provider may recommend that you see a sleep specialist if you complain of insomnia that doesn't improve with lifestyle changes. To determine the cause of your sleep problems, your healthcare provider or sleep specialist may do the following:

  • Take your medical history, including medical conditions, medications, and sources of stress
  • Take your sleep history, preferably from a sleep diary that you have kept to describe the type of sleep problem you're having, what it feels like, and how long it has occurred
  • Perform a physical exam to find any physical causes for your insomnia
  • Refer you for or perform a polysomnogram (sleep study) overnight in a sleep lab to monitor a sleep cycle

Treatment and Prevention

The type of treatment your healthcare provider recommends depends on the type of insomnia you have and the cause of the problem. The condition is usually resolved when the underlying medical or psychological cause is treated.

Research indicates that the best results are achieved by combining medical and nonmedical treatments rather than using one alone.

Common treatments for insomnia include:

  • Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT, a type of talk therapy)
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Prescription medication to help you sleep
  • Over-the-counter sleep aids that contain antihistamines or diphenhydramine
  • Melatonin supplement (lab-made form of the hormone melatonin)

You can help prevent insomnia by taking these precautions:

  • Avoid substances like caffeine, alcohol, and some medications that can prevent quality sleep.
  • Follow the same sleep routine every night, including waking at the same time every day.
  • Get out of bed if it takes too long to fall asleep, then try again 15 minutes later.
  • Avoid napping.
  • Sleep in a cool, dark room.
  • Don't use electronics or your phone in the bedroom.
  • Avoid eating, drinking, or exercising close to the time you want to fall asleep.
  • Learn relaxation and deep breathing techniques to help you relax.
  • Treat and maintain physical and psychological conditions.


Insomnia is a common sleep disorder. It can prevent falling asleep and staying asleep. There is more than one type of insomnia. Types differ by cause, how long they last, and how they affect you.

To treat insomnia, you must treat the cause of your sleep problems. Treatment can include cognitive behavioural therapy, medications, and lifestyle changes. Using both medical and nonmedical therapies can improve your sleep.

A sleep expert can help you find the treatment you need. Insomnia often improves or resolves when the primary cause is treated. This can help you enjoy the health and mental benefits of a good night's sleep.

A Word From Verywell

Living with any insomnia can affect your quality of life. Without enough sleep, it's normal to feel tired and moody throughout the day.

Chronic irritability can affect both personal and work relationships. It can also increase your risk of causing accidents as your thinking skills weaken without enough sleep.

The good news is that insomnia can often improve when you treat the cause of the problem. Consult your healthcare provider to get started on a plan to fix your sleep problems. The result can improve your health, relationships, and the way you feel.


  • How much sleep does the average adult need?

    Individual sleep needs vary based on age, overall health, and genetics; the average adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep every night. Adults over age 65 may need less sleep, usually between seven and eight hours nightly.

  • Do certain foods cause insomnia?

    The type of foods and drinks you consume can affect your ability to get quality sleep. Some foods can interfere with natural sleep patterns, leading to insomnia over time. Some foods that can affect your sleep include caffeine, black tea, sweets, white bread, nightshade vegetables, fast food and other highly processed foods, fried foods, and aged or cured foods.

  • Can melatonin help you fall asleep?

    Studies indicate a link between melatonin and quality sleep. Results show that people who took melatonin fell asleep faster and improved their sleep efficiency. While melatonin provides modest benefits, it's best to consult your healthcare provider about the impact of melatonin on your insomnia.

Monday 16 May 2022

I’m a sleep expert – here’s 3 surprising ways we help insomniacs sleep


By Vanessa Chalmers

A SLEEP expert has revealed the worst things you can do when you’ve got insomnia - and the surprising ways it’s really treated. 

Sleep physiologist Stephanie Romiszewski revealed the sleep disorder is often tackled in the wrong way. 

Around ten per cent fulfil the criteria for insomnia disorder, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) says.

Insomnia can last just a few days (transient), stretch into a few weeks (acute) or become chronic, lasting several months or even years.

How it’s tackled could impact how long it sticks - and it’s largely within your own control, Stephanie, who runs The Sleepyhead Clinic in Exeter, explains.

People try to go to bed earlier, take naps or pop sleeping pills in order to make up for lost hours.

But this may worsen symptoms by confusing the body even more, she says.

Instead, one of the ways experts fix the condition is to restrict bedtime in those with insomnia. 

Here's what you need to know...

How NOT to deal with insomnia 

Recognising you have insomnia might be frightening.

Stephanie told The Sun: “Unfortunately, insomnia has that label. And what comes along with that is this real fear and so it makes people do strange things.”

Stephanie says when people are worried they aren’t sleeping well enough, their first reaction is often to “alter their behaviour quite significantly”.

This can often cause more problems.

“Sleep is all about time," says Stephanie.

“If you start mucking about with the goalposts, by changing your wake time, and going to bed early… basically trying to manipulate sleep because you're worried you stopped sleeping, that's actually a way to make the sleep problem worse.”

In a similar vein, Stephanie warns against coping mechanisms that only increase the anxiety in your life.

Things like “sleeping pills, avoiding going to the gym, avoiding seeing your friends, moving away from the life that you want to live”.

“Suddenly you're a complete shell of your former self," she warns.

"Not only do you have a sleep problem, but you've got a huge anxiety problem."

This reaction to short-term insomnia may cement the condition in somebody’s life chronically. 

Once you realise insomnia is just a pattern, you have the capacity to change the pattern


"Why hasn't that sleep problem gone away? Well, it's not usually down to the original trigger anymore," says Stephanie.

“Once you've had it for longer than three months, it turns into a habitual problem, which means your brain is starting to see it as a pattern.

“It is actually because you’ve trained the brain into a new pattern with all the behaviour and coping mechanisms you thought were going to help.

“And so actually, once you realise insomnia is just a pattern, you have the capacity to change the pattern.”

What to do instead


Stephanie says one of the first things to understand about insomnia is that it does not mean there is something genetically wrong with you, or there is any kind of chemical imbalance in the brain.

It can be tackled by changing beliefs and behaviours.

Most sleep problems are “entirely normal” and common.

And while the word insomnia may instil fear, meaning “no sleep” in Latin, you don’t need to take it quite so literally. 

“If people with insomnia were getting absolutely no sleep, they would be dead,” Stephanie says. 

“That is not what is actually happening with insomnia. This is the first point to make because people really get frightened. 

“They think something terrible is going to happen. But actually that’s not the case.”

Only one form of insomnia, called fatal familial insomnia, a genetic disorder, has the ability to kill over a few weeks - and it is incredibly rare.

How the experts treat insomnia

Treating insomnia is all about retraining the brain, and re-education on how sleep works, says Stephanie.

Restrict bed time

The first thing insomniacs should do is to stop spending so much time in bed, willing themselves to nod off. 

"A lot of people with insomnia will think, ‘I need to increase my time in bed to try to encourage sleep to come’," says Stephanie.

“But that doesn't come from any science that we know. You cannot fall asleep just by spending more time in the place where you used to sleep. 

“You've got to actually restrict your bedtime down.”

It sounds counterintuitive, but restricting the amount of time you spend in bed can help improve sleep quality.

Sleep quality is, experts argue, more important than sleep quantity.

It refers to how restful and useful your sleep is, as opposed to how long you spend in slumber. 

You cannot fall asleep just by spending more time in the place where you used to sleep


Restricting the time you spend in bed = no daytime napping, and no lie ins. This will help you create a sleep drive (AKA, a strong desire to sleep).

“After a while what you notice is your body actually gives you this wonderful, really good quality sleep. So suddenly you feel in control of your sleep again," says Stephanie.

“Once we've got that good quality, we add time [hours asleep].”

But as a patient with insomnia, you’ll have to drop the idea that eight hours of blissful sleep is either necessary, or achievable.

“We've got to help you understand what good sleep is, and that doesn't mean perfection. Sometimes you're going to have poor sleep,” admits Stephanie.


A therapist can provide cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBTi), which combines a number of psychological strategies to help reprogram the brain.

“For example, cognitive restructuring can help us notice and change negative thinking patterns," notes Stephanie.

“Another example is fear exposure; when I’m nearing finishing treating a patient, I need to help them understand that they'll have some bad nights but actually, it’s totally normal and it’s not going to end the way it used to, which was in a chronic insomnia condition, because they have much more healthy strategies to deal with it now.

“The more they see it that way, the more anxiety reduces, and the quicker it is to actually get back on track and have normal sleep again. 

“We also do Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, which is trying to help you accept and come to terms with the sleep issue and the anxiety issue that can come along with it, as well as the fact there is something we can do about it.

“We've got to help give you that boost and reassurance that you need in order to effectively go against the status quo - which is what you hear in the general population about sleep and is quite wrong - and actually do something that's going to help you.”

CBTi -  “the evidence based, highly scientific way of treating sleep” - is not always available on the NHS, Stephanie says, but it is always worth speaking to your GP if you are concerned about your sleep.