Monday 29 April 2024

The four types of sleeper – and how each one can affect your health


By Miranda Levy

Napper or love a lie-in? No matter your style, it’s important to know what it means for your health – and what you can do about it 

Ask a person how they sleep, and they’ll divide themselves into one of two camps: they sleep well, or they don’t. 

While those in the first group get into bed, wake up, carry on, and don’t even think about the dark bit in between, those in the second group suffer with the fallout of broken nights. Waking up exhausted, they struggle to think clearly, mainline on coffee and carbs and spend all day craving the next bedtime, where the cycle might repeat.

But according to a ground-breaking new American study released in March, it’s more complex than falling into one of these two sleep camps. 

Scientists from Penn State College of Health and Human Development studied 3,700 sleepers over a period of 10 years. “More than half our subjects have sub-optimal sleep and this raised their risk of a range of conditions such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and depression,” says Dr Soomi Lee, the director of the Sleep, Stress and Health laboratory at Penn State. “Most previous research looks at sleep disorders but we wanted to look at the more everyday behaviours and understand how the cumulation of good or bad sleep is related to long-term health.”

To do so, they divided people into four categories, or “phenotypes”: good sleepers, weekend sleepers, nappers, and insomnia sleepers. They discovered that the phenotype we fall into can affect our physical, mental, and functional health both now and in the future. 

So which category do you fall into, what are the implications for your health – and is there anything you can do about it? 

Good sleepers (44 per cent)

Good sleeper
CREDIT: Liam Tooher

The smug bunch the rest of us love to hate. “We asked people to categorise their sleep characteristics across five key dimensions: regularity (how much they stuck to a routine), satisfaction, efficiency, duration (how long they slept) and alertness the next day,” says Dr Lee. “Those who counted themselves as good sleepers scored highly on all of these.”

It’s worth pointing out that many of these outcomes are subjective, so one person might need 10 hours of sleep to be satisfied, and another would be okay with only six. “Sleep duration can depend on various factors, including your genetic makeup, age, and lifestyle,” says Dr Sophie Bostock, a sleep scientist. “Just like your shoe size or height, ‘optimum sleep’ varies from person to person, and exists on a bell-curve, with more people in the centre, than at each extreme.” 

For example, some people naturally have a ‘short sleep’ gene.” The test, she says, is to choose a day where you can sleep without needing an alarm and see how many hours you need to feel refreshed.

In the Penn study, good sleepers were shown to have better health outcomes than the categories below. According to the study, 77 per cent of people stay in the same category throughout life, which is marvellous for them, and infuriating for their friends and partners if they happen not to sleep well. “However, some participants did move in and out of the phenotypes over time,” notes Dr Lee. 

For this reason, it’s important to keep an eye on any fluctuating sleep habits and follow the health advice below. You may be sleeping well now, but a period of disrupted rest could always be down the line.

Weekend catch-up sleepers (18 per cent)

Weekend catch-up sleeper
CREDIT: Liam Tooher

Perhaps unsurprisingly, these tended to be younger people, who burn the midnight oil during the week, and pay off their ‘sleep debt’ at weekends. Despite their youth, the weekend sleepers could be setting themselves up for future health issues.

“If your variance between your day sleep and your weekend sleep is more than one hour, the literature suggests you are at risk of poorer health,” Dr Lee explains. These findings chime with a 2018 study from Western University in Ontario, which showed that those who enjoyed weekend lie-ins of more than two-and-a-half-hours suffered from worse cognition and “brain fog” than those who kept a regular sleeping pattern all week long. 

The Sunday afternoon brain fog is known as “sleep inertia” and it can let into the following week. “Our body clock is based on a set of genetically hard-wired instructions with a 24-hour rhythm,” says Dr Bostock. “We are biologically programmed to do the same things at the same time: to start moving, eating and interacting socially. When our clocks get confused, scientists call this ‘circadian disruption’. We still can operate, but are slightly sub-par. A later start on a Sunday could lead to difficulty falling asleep that night, and a more tired Monday and into the week.”

According to Guy Leschziner, a professor of neurology and sleep medicine at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust, excessive sleep could put you at increased risk of serious health issues. “We don’t fully understand it, but sleeping longer can be a marker for illnesses like cardiovascular disease or stroke, or even early signs of neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia.” 

The odd Sunday lie-in shouldn’t do you any lasting damage, however. And as the study showed, weekend catch up sleepers were 73 per cent likely to graduate into one of the other categories: the highest ‘transition rate’ of any category.

Nappers (13 per cent)

CREDIT: Liam Tooher

According to the Penn research, nappers had a 128 per cent increased risk for diabetes, and a 62 per cent higher risk of frailty. Perhaps predictably, and in contrast to the weekend catch-up sleepers, the nappers tended to be older. This raises the possibility of “reverse causality”; nappers had needed to sleep during the day simply because of the illnesses associated with old age.

“Sleeping during the day is implicated in age-related, activity-limiting conditions often involving pain,” says Dr Lee. “After retirement, our lifestyle changes.”

But what of the rest of us, in good health but who enjoy the luxury of an occasional snooze? “Nap research is complex, but the consensus is that less than 30 minutes a day is fine,” Dr Lee adds. 

Other scientists agree that a 30 minute nap is the sweet spot. Even 10 minutes can be refreshing, notes Dr Guy Meadows, a sleep physiologist and the founder of the Sleep School. “The key is to stay in the lighter stages of sleep – which results in an immediate boost of energy and alertness,” he explains. “If you sleep for too long, you will wake up during deep sleep, in a groggy state and even sleepier than before.” This is similar to the sleep inertia suffered by the weekend sleepers.

Those who work shifts, or need to catch up after a missed night’s sleep might find themselves needing a longer nap to function. In this case, it’s wise to aim for a nap of an hour and a half, approximately the length of a whole sleep cycle. “A sleep cycle lasts between 90 and 110 minutes, and during this you pass through light, deep and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep stages,” Dr Meadows continues. “Waking up after the full cycle will land you again in the light stages of sleep, helping you avoid sleep inertia.”

Insomnia sleepers (25 per cent)

Insomnia sleeper
CREDIT: Liam Tooher

The term ‘insomnia sleeper’ is possibly a bit of an oxymoron for those of us who’ve really suffered: many hard-core sleep problems can go through periods where they don’t actually sleep at all.

“For the purposes of our study, this group categorised themselves with multiple poor sleep characteristics,” says Dr Lee. “They took a longer time to fall asleep, had shorter sleep duration, woke up a lot during the night and had daytime tiredness.”

By the clinical definition, insomnia becomes chronic if you find yourself struggling to sleep for at least three days a week, for a period of longer than three months.

Those who categorised themselves as insomnia sleepers in the Penn study had a higher risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and depression – up to 81 per cent more than good sleepers, in some cases. Previous research has shown that poor sleepers have higher blood pressure, as well as higher susceptibility to infection.

“Not being employed was associated with the risk of being an insomnia sleeper,” says Dr Lee. “Paid work provides not only income and life purpose, but also a ‘temporal structure’ that may help maintain a regular sleep/wake cycle that may be important for optimal sleep health.”

However, insomnia is often not a respecter of class or status, and many professional people find themselves with poor sleep. 

There’s nothing more likely to heap on stress (and make you less likely to fall asleep) than information that tells you your insomnia is going to make you physically ill. 

The culture of sleep trackers can only make things worse, and make you feel even more of a failure. In fact, most sleep scientists now agree that it’s the very opposite of tracking and trying that will lead to an elusive night’s sleep.

These days, the gold standard of sleep treatment is a talking therapy called CBTi, or cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia. The primary focus is based around changing your actions or “behaviours”, and thoughts (the “cognitive” bits) that perpetuate insomnia, with the end result that your natural “sleep pressure” takes over, and the cycle of wakefulness is broken.

Dr Bostock is a committed proponent of CBTi. “The starting point is a fixed routine for your day, starting with the time you get up, which you should try not to not vary, even on weekends,” she says. CBT therapists also encourage their clients to go to bed only when they are sleepy, and to get up and do something else if they lie away for longer than 15 minutes, although ideally not on a screen, because the blue light it emits affects melatonin, the hormone in your brain that promote sleep. 

A further idea is ‘sleep restriction’, which despite its name, is not to restrict the amount of time spent asleep, but the time in bed doing other things which can interfere. “This sounds counterintuitive, but means that ideally, you should only use your bed for sex, or for sleep,” says Dr Bostock.

The most important thing, Dr Bostock believes, “is to just go about your daily life, getting ‘normally’ tired, so that sleep becomes intuitive”. 

Can I switch my sleep category?

“While three quarters of people find their category is largely fixed over a lifetime, the good news is that by changing your lifestyle behaviours, you can improve your sleep outcome,” says Dr Lee. Here are some things to try:

1. Improve your sleep hygiene

These may sound like the basics, but adding all the factors of sleeping in a “clean way” can do wonders for your night-time rest. So: no coffee within six hours before bed. Keep naps to a minimum, and sleep in a dark, quiet bedroom, ideally at a temperature between 18 and 21C. “I never have the heating on in my bedroom, even in the winter,” says Dr Bostock. 

2. Change any behaviours you can control

It’s almost impossible to improve your sleep by “trying”. Good sleepers point to a total lack of effort when thinking about their rest.

“As well as sleep, the other two pillars of good health are diet and physical activity,” Dr Lee explains. “They are highly correlated.” Aim for 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week; repeated studies are increasingly showing that the Mediterranean diet is beneficial for general health.

3. Take care with sleeping medication 

These can ‘buy’ you a few night’s sleep in a crisis, but can lead to dependency and withdrawal symptoms such as “rebound insomnia”; a return of the original problem. 

4. Don’t turn the problem into ‘the problem’

Bad sleep can become self-perpetuating and stress can keep your mind whirring in the small hours. The trick is to try and keep the pressure off yourself if you can, and don’t turn the problem – a broken night – into a larger problem of insomnia that persists. Tell yourself that if you don’t sleep tonight, the world won’t explode and you will probably sleep well tomorrow.

Instead, try to use the principles of CBTi (above). Some NHS trusts do offer CBTi for free, or you can consult a private therapist, but CBTi is increasingly available online. Try downloading the Sleepio app, or, created by Harvard University.

The Insomnia Diaries: How I Learned to Sleep Again by Miranda Levy is published by Octopus Books

Sunday 28 April 2024

5 key signs you're sleep deprived and how to fix it — advice from an insomnia expert


Tired during the day yet struggle to fall asleep at night? You're probably sleep deprived

Wondering if you have all the symptoms of sleep deprivation? One bad night might be easy enough to shake-off, but when you're regularly missing out on sleep, you might start to feel like you'll never be fully rested. Frequently getting less high-quality sleep than your body needs is referred to as sleep deprivation, and it can impact your physical and mental health.

Sleep deprivation is generally treatable, but long-term sleep deprivation needs more than just one good nap to get your slumber back on track. For advice on recognizing the signs and symptoms of sleep deprivation and how to manage it, we spoke to Dr Lindsay Browning, leading sleep therapist, neuroscientist, chartered psychologist, author and CBT-i practitioner at Trouble Sleeping. Here's what Dr Browning told us...

What is sleep deprivation?

                                                                                                               (Image credit: Getty Images)

Sleep deprivation occurs when a person doesn't get the amount of rest that their body needs. "Sleep deprivation can have a significant impact on both physical health and mental wellbeing," explains Dr Browning. An adult requires roughly eight hours sleep a night and during this time the body refreshes and restores itself. When you lack quality sleep, your body misses out on this important downtime. 

There are two different types of sleep deprivation: short-term and long-term. Dr Browning explains that short-term sleep deprivation happens when you experience a limited period of sleep loss "such as when you spend an uncomfortable night on an overnight flight and don’t sleep on the plane."

But long-term sleep deprivation is a cumulative effect, and as Dr Browning explains, it can happen when you go through "weeks or years of regularly not getting sufficient sleep." Those suffering with long-term sleep deprivation might not even realize they're missing sleep, as they start to consider being tired their new normal.


"Short-term sleep loss may be easier to spot compared to that caused by frequent nights of insufficient sleep, since people who regularly don’t get enough sleep may get used to feeling tired and not realize the health implications of sleep deprivation and how much better they might feel if they got enough sleep," explains Dr Browning. Here are some key signs of sleep deprivation to watch out for...

1. You feel fatigued (even after sleeping well)

One of the clearest signs of sleep deprivation is that you're feeling tired during the day even after sleeping well the night before. "If you have been getting too little sleep regularly, then one night of the recommended seven to nine hours' sleep will not be enough to make up for the long term sleep deprivation," says Dr Browning.

"You may be feeling sluggish and tired during the day, even if you got enough sleep the night before. You may feel mentally tired, physically tired, or both." So while you might expect to feel tired on Monday morning, you're also sleepy after that Sunday lie-in.

2. You nod off during the day (microsleeping)

                                                                                                                       (Image credit: Getty)

Ever been sitting in a meeting and you suddenly realize you don't remember what just happened? You might have been experience a microsleep; a short period of drifting off that many people don't notice happening until they can't recall the last few seconds. Microsleeps are a common sign of sleep deprivation and, as Dr Browning explains, they're more than just a harmless nap at your desk...

"People who are sleep deprived can experience nodding off while sitting, or feeling their eyes close and having a microsleep while doing something like driving a car," says Dr Browning. "Microsleeps and sleepiness during the day can be extreme dangerous since a lack of sleep has been associated with an increase in car accidents due to people falling asleep at the wheel or due to reduced reaction times."

3. You can't concentrate

A groggy Monday morning is something most of us are familiar with, but if that feeling lasts throughout the week, it could be a sign of sleep deprivation. "People who are sleep deprived tend to struggle to focus on tasks, experience memory lapses, and have reduced cognitive abilities," explains Dr Browning.

And it's more than just a tendency to daydream that you might be experiencing. "One study found that one night of sleep deprivation was equivalent to having a blood alcohol concentration of 0.05% – the equivalent of having two standard alcoholic drinks."

4. You're eating and snacking more

In the same way we tend to choose ice cream over iceberg lettuce when feeling sad, a lack of sleep typically has us reaching for fatty foods. "This is due to disrupted hunger hormones (ghrelin and leptin) which are regulated during sleep," explains Dr Browning. 

A study found that people who are lacking sleep eat on average 385 calories more during the day than those who slept well. When you aren't sleeping, your body misses out on a crucial period for hormone regulation – and you'll see the effects  of that in your behaviour the next day. As in, a tendency to reach for the cookie jar. 

5. You're more susceptible to illness

Getting enough sleep is important to maintaining good mental and physical health, so it follows that sleep deprivation has a negative effect on your overall wellbeing, as Dr Browning explains. 

"Sleep deprivation can be associated with increased headaches, muscle aches, and also a weakened immune system leading to more frequent illnesses." For those with long-term sleep deprivation, feeling less than your best might not seem like anything new – but it could be a crucial signal you're lacking rest.


It is possible to fix sleep deprivation – even long-term sleep deprivation – although one good night's rest isn't enough to solve the problem. To overcome sleep deprivation, Dr Browning recommends focusing on improving your sleep hygiene: creating a bedtime routine, sticking to consistent sleep and wake-up times, and optimizing your bedroom for relaxation.

However, if you've cleaned up your sleep hygiene and you're still struggling to achieve quality sleep, Dr Browning advises seeking medical advice. "If you have tried improving your sleep hygiene, but still feel sleep deprived, then you should speak to your doctor in case there is something else is causing your fatigue.

"Most common causes of this are sleep apnoea which can disturb the quality of your sleep, or an iron deficiency or a thyroid issue which can cause tiredness even if you think you have had enough sleep."


To fix sleep deprivation, it's important to create habits that will result in consistent and long-term better sleep. Below are the steps recommended by Dr Browning if sleep deprivation is affecting your health and wellbeing...

1. Stick to a consistent sleep schedule

Humans are creatures of habit and our circadian rhythms love the routine of going to bed and waking up at the same time every day of the week. This teaches the body when to feel sleepy, which in turn helps you to drift off.

"Set a regular bedtime and wake time, seven days per week, to help regulate your internal clock," advises Dr Browning. And that includes weekends and holidays. "Sleep deprivation may be caused by not getting enough sleep during the week and thinking you can catch up at the weekend, but it’s much better for your health and sleep to get enough sleep every day – seven days a week – as long as your life so circumstances allow."

As well as establishing long-term good habits, keeping an early wake-up time can be one of the best ways to fix your sleep schedule after a late night. By waking up early you're more likely to feel tired early, getting your circadian rhythm back on track.

2. Cut out caffeine in the afternoon

If you're worried about sleep deprivation then you probably aren't reaching for a pre-bed cappuccino – but you might be relying on a coffee fix to get you through a drowsy afternoon. However, your lunchtime latte might be the reason you're struggling to sleep in the evening, as caffeine can remain in the body for many hours after consumption. 

The 10-3-2-1-0 sleep method advises cutting out caffeine 10 hours before bed, but Dr Browning has a slightly more achievable suggestion. "As a general rule, avoid caffeine at least six hours before bedtime. Caffeine is a stimulant and can interfere with falling asleep as well as disrupting sleep quality." 

3. Engage in a relaxing night-time routine

Going to bed early doesn't necessarily mean getting more sleep, especially if you spend a long time staring at the ceiling waiting to drift off. However, implementing a relaxing night-time routine can prepare the mind and body for sleep, meaning when you do crawl beneath the covers, you're likely to drop off quickly. 

"Spend 30 minutes to an hour before bed doing something calm and relaxing such as read a good book, do some meditation, have a warm bath or do some gentle stretching or yoga," advises Dr Browning. "This helps signal to your body that it's time to calm down and get ready for sleep."

Dr Browning also recommends putting screens away at least an hour before bed, to limit the disrupting effects of bright lights. But if you absolutely can't stay away from your phone, she has a tip: "Ensure night mode is activated to reduce the brightness and reduce the blue light frequency which is especially damaging to sleep."

4. Get active outside during the day

It isn't just what you do at night that affects how well you sleep. Your daytime activities can also contribute to sleep deprivation, as Dr Browning explains.

"Exercise during the day is good for your physical health and mental health as well as helping boost your alertness during the day and potentially helping you sleep better at night. However, avoid vigorous exercise close to bedtime."

In addition to staying active, try to get outside during the day. "Natural daylight can help you feel more alert and awake during the daytime, and also help you produce melatonin and sleep better at night," advises Dr Browning.

5. Use naps and lie-ins wisely

"There are some circumstances when you simply can’t get enough sleep at night. In which case, let yourself have a lie-in at the weekend to catch up on some missed sleep." But try not to make this a regular habit, as you might find yourself suffering from social jet lag – when your weekday body clock and weekend body clock are out of sync. 

Naps can also be used to boost energy levels if sleep deprivation is making it hard to get through the day. "Try taking a short (20 minute) nap just after lunch to top up your sleep," advises Dr Browning. "It is best to avoid napping after about two o’clock as even short evening naps can make it harder to fall asleep when you go to bed." 

6. Create a relaxing bedroom environment

"Ensure your bedroom is conducive to sleep by keeping it dark, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature," says Dr Browning. Blackout curtains can be used to prevent disruptive light from getting into your room, while the perfect bedroom temperature is around 68 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Your bed should be providing you with support and pressure relief, so your sleep isn't disrupted by aches and pains. Our best mattress guide and best pillow guide can help you find the best bed for your sleep style and body type.

"If your mattress is more than 8 years old, it may need replacing, since mattresses have a finite lifespan and need to be supportive enough for your spine to help you sleep comfortably," advises Dr Browning. "You should also wash and replace your pillows regularly as they can absorb sweat and dead skin cells which can cause allergies and an uncomfortable pillow."