Friday 17 March 2017

Insomnia 101: What you need to know


We all need to sleep, but many of us just don't get enough. Insomnia affects one in three adults in the UK, but what is it and how can it be managed?
Insomnia is defined as: difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep for long enough to feel refreshed the next morning. Some insomniacs find it hard to fall asleep; others wake up several times during the night and/or stay awake for long periods, while some wake up early in the morning can't get back to sleep. It can leave sufferers feeling worn-out and short-tempered during the day and cause problems with focus and concentration.
For Charlotte Dormon, a 37 year-old freelance writer and PR from London, it was worries about work:
"There was a specific period when I was really stressed with work and was sleeping at the most about three hours a night. I had trouble falling asleep: my brain would be whirring with all my worries and I felt unable to switch off. I'd wake throughout the night, often having to get up as I couldn't sleep. Or I felt I was never really falling into a deep enough sleep - so even when I was sleeping, I still woke up feeling like I hadn't slept well. I would often just lie in bed and cry as I was so frustrated. Being awake whilst everyone else was asleep was just horrible."
"To the outside world they had no idea I suffered with this hideous problem. I would power myself up in the mornings with plenty of coffee and be on the top of my game for work. I felt like I was buzzing with energy thanks to the help of my coffee and sugar high. Then I would feel exhausted after work, but feel wide awake by 11pm when I wanted to go to bed!"
Insomnia meant Charlotte struggled to get through the day and used coffee to stay alert. She constantly craved sugary foods and found she put on weight. Her relationships and social life suffered, and she experienced bouts of anxiety. Her immune system became weakened so she was prone to viruses and suffered with sore throats and gut problems. She tried several different tactics – hypnotherapy, acupuncture and various sleep-help books, remedies and treatments to conquer her problem. She also tried sleeping pills, which are generally considered a last resort and should not be taken for any long periods of time.
"I went to the doctor and was prescribed various different types of sleeping medication as well as getting CBT to help deal with my stress," Charlotte says. "My breaking point was when I started to read about the health implications of taking sleeping medication long-term." So what do the experts suggest?

1. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I)

Designed for those with insomnia, this therapy addresses the underlying thoughts and behaviours which prevent sleeping well. "CBT-I is a psychological therapy which has been repeatedly shown to be more effective than medication for the treatment of chronic insomnia, in terms of both short and longer-term effects," says Joanne Rodda, Consultant Psychiatrist at Re:Cognition Health. "This includes people with insomnia due to chronic pain, depression, cancer and other conditions. CBT-I can be delivered 1:1, in groups, over video-link and even as a computerised therapy, but it is still not as widely available as would be ideal."

2. Determine what is disturbing your sleep

Writing down any anxieties or racing thoughts might help the winding-down process before bed: so might a warm bath/shower, listening to music or reading. Relaxation techniques and breathing exercises may also help.

3. Improve your sleeping environment

Bedrooms should be calm and free from distraction. It should be cool – between 18°C and 20°C - and dark. An eye mask and earplugs can help avoid being woken up by light and noise.

4. Ban mobile phones and electronics

These blue light sources switch off your brain's production of melatonin (the hormone responsible for aiding sleep), meaning it will take longer to drop off.

5. Reset your clock

Go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time every morning to help set your body clock. In addition, Professor Paul Gringras of Kings College London says:
"Whenever you can, expose yourself to sunlight in the morning. It's important to spend time outside during daylight and try to let as much natural light into your home or workspace as possible. Indoor lights do not have the same benefits on your body clock, alertness and wellbeing."
6. Examine your diet
Avoid caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, heavy meals and exercise for a few hours before going to bed. And eat more fruit, in particular kiwis and cherries. Kiwi fruit contains serotonin, which the body converts to melatonin, while cherries are naturally rich in the compound. Tropical fruit such as pineapples, bananas and oranges are also sources.

7. Check for nutritional deficiencies
Many vitamins and minerals can have a significant positive impact on sleep and help with insomnia, especially magnesium says sleep practitioner and sleep environment expert James Wilson:
"Research has shown that there is a relationship between our cells' magnesium levels and the body's ability to follow its sleep cycle efficiently. Basically, having the right levels of magnesium in the body means we find it easier to fall asleep and wake up at the right time. Magnesium helps the body relax by ensuring the GABA receptors in our brain and nervous system are working as efficiently as possible. GABA receptors help the brain switch off and without it, our minds would continue to race."
Although insomnia did hit when she returned home, Charlotte took some of the lessons she'd learned and incorporated them into her daily routine – more yoga and less coffee.
"I take care of myself now and know that sleep problems are something I am prone to and just like people with diabetes or allergies, you have to be aware of certain things. My brain is very active, so I need to use tools to help me unwind, such as mediation and mindfulness. These have been very powerful for me." 

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