Thursday 21 September 2017

Here’s what smoking weed is actually doing to your sleep


Should insomniacs ditch the sleeping pills and just have a massive bong hit every night instead?

Plenty of weed users already do it: a study by a consumer group, Cannabiz, found that 88% of weed users in American states that have legalised the drug said that it worked better than pills.

But does it actually work? And is it a good idea to rely on it every night?

Researchers at the University of Michigan set out to find out – asking 98 dope users to wear Fitbit-style wristbands, keep sleep diaries, and smoke weed as they normally would.
What they found was that weed seems to make people sleep more deeply – but it might depend on your mental state.

Also, smoking it every day really isn’t a good idea, according to Deirdre Conroy of the University of Michigan.

Conroy says in an essay for The Conversation, ‘Our results show that the frequency of use seems to be an important factor as it relates to the effects on sleep. Thirty-nine percent of daily users complained of clinically significant insomnia. Meanwhile, only 10 percent of occasional users had insomnia complaints.’

‘Interestingly, when controlling for the presence of anxiety and depression, the differences disappeared. This suggests that cannabis’s effect on sleep may differ depending on whether you have depression or anxiety.

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