Thursday, 5 April 2018

Natural sleeping pills: these products will cope with insomnia


Doctors say that approximately 10% of adults suffer from insomnia and sleep disorders. It is only those who appealed for help to the doctor, and how many more men and women prefer to deal with insomnia on their own?
In any case, take sleeping pills, doctors do not recommend. Such drugs can be used only in the case if the person had suffered a serious nervous breakdown or sleep more of the day and night and can’t sleep.

There are a number of products, the properties they alternative sedative drugs, that’s just the only natural and harmless substances.

These products at the moment to cope with insomnia:
– chamomile tea;
– black tea with a pinch of cinnamon;
ginger drink with honey, mint and lemon;
citrus fruit;
– bananas;
– chicken eggs;
– oily fish;
– warm milk;
– cherries;
– any cabbage.

In each of these products contain substances that contribute to increase the production of melatonin – the sleep hormone which regulates circadian rhythms.
The doctors can recommend taking melatonin tablets, but in this case, the person is likely to damage their health, taking medicines for a long time. Therefore, it is better to try to fight insomnia with natural drugs in the form of foods and beverages.

If you constantly suffer from Intrusive thoughts that prevent you from fully sleep, then consult a therapist who will help you to get rid of this problem and begin to fall asleep.

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