Friday 9 August 2019

Insomnia in pregnancy is common but it’s not normal. Here’s how to beat it


As clinical health psychologists, we often hear about women resorting to expensive sleep products.                                                                       Picture: Pexels

Many pregnant women find themselves waking up in the middle of night to go the bathroom (for the third time) or struggling to find a comfortable sleep position.
Mildly disrupted sleep is common and bothersome but should not be confused with the much more serious problem of insomnia - which impacts more than 20 percent of women during their pregnancy.

As clinical health psychologists, we often hear about women resorting to expensive sleep products (think body pillows) or taking herbal remedies which they hope will lull them to sleep. Unfortunately, the benefits of these interventions are often fleeting.
Use of pharmacological treatments is increasingly discouraged, and pregnant women in particular report that they are reluctant to take sleeping medication due to concerns about the potential impact on their developing baby.

The good news is that there is a highly effective behavioural treatment available.

Cognitive behavioural therapy
Exciting new research has demonstrated that cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) can improve sleep during pregnancy.
This is a structured program that helps to replace unhelpful thoughts and behaviours that cause insomnia or worsen sleep problems. CBT-I helps to address the underlying causes of sleep problems with habits and thoughts that lead to deeper sleep.

CBT-I is delivered either in person, in a group or over the internet. Within four to five weeks of participating in therapy, most people experience the benefits of treatment. Unlike with medications, sleep problems typically don’t return when the therapy is complete.

Keep track of your sleep
One of the most common, and effective, sleep hygiene strategies is to set a regular sleep schedule. This suggestion is particularly true for setting a regular wake-up time, as there is no reason to crawl into bed if you don’t feel sleepy.

Maintaining your standard wake time can serve as a hard reset of your biological rhythms. Your body will get used to waking up and falling asleep at a certain time - making mornings much easier. Your sleep and wake cycles are controlled by hormones and those particular hormones love a good routine.
By setting your wake-up time to be around the same every morning you are helping to your body re-establish better sleep.

Use your bed only for sleep
And then brace yourself - one of the key reasons sleep therapy works can be one of the hardest to do. Use your bed only for sleep!
Our brains are learning machines. We can teach them to sleep when we get into bed, or we can teach them to do other things - like worry. It all depends on what we actually do when we get into bed.
Unfortunately, the bed can become ground zero for a thousand other activities ranging from reading your iPhone, replaying yesterday’s arguments or worrying about tomorrow’s meetings.

Insomnia in pregnancy is treatable
Changing sleep habits can be hard, so draw on your social support. Pregnant women often share their beds with partners, other children and even pets. It’s important to get clear on the strategies you are going to try.
Having a plan about who will get your toddler a drink of water in the middle of the night or when the electronics need to be turned off is essential.
The time to have these conversations is not at 3am - plan ahead!

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