Thursday 17 October 2019

How to Fight the Causes of Insomnia


Insomnia is commonly faced by modern man. Fortunately, most of the causes that cause it can be dealt with. The following are a few causes of insomnia and ways to fight against it.

Reason 1: Nervous disorders and stress. Almost the most common cause of insomnia, which is not so easy to get rid of. Sometimes a nervous breakdown may be accompanied by depression. In this case, of course, it is necessary to seek the help of a qualified specialist, but if the reason for your emotional over excitation lies in everyday experiences, this is surmountable.
How to fight. First, save yourself from all the sources of stress you can. For example, do not watch TV before going to bed, but read a book. Secondly, do relaxation procedures for the night. Massage the temple area with lavender oil, prepare a relaxing foot bath, take a warm shower or a bath with the addition of chamomile flowers. Thirdly, create all the conditions for a comfortable sleep: ventilate the room, turn off the light (darkness helps to produce a special substance in the body that causes relaxation faster) and eliminate any noise.

Reason 2: Excessive caffeine intake. Without noticing it, people often drink one, two or five cups of coffee per day (everyone determines this critical maximum for himself). Coffee is, of course, delicious, sometimes even healthy, but only in the morning!
How to fight: Three hours before bedtime, it is strongly recommended not to eat foods and drinks containing caffeine! The products like tea, (the stronger the tea, the higher the concentration of caffeine in it), cocoa, chocolate, Coca-Cola and energy drinks.

Reason 3: Improper and untimely nutrition. The work of our body depends on how we nourish it, and most importantly – by what. Have you heard the saying, “You are what you eat”? We cannot control the composition of all the foods we eat, and some contain components that interfere with the proper functioning of the body. In addition, eating right before bedtime also has an undesirable effect on the body. The body will not be able to give itself rest due to the active digestion of food.
How to fight: It is helpful to drink a glass of warm milk with honey before going to bed and it is better to eat light food at night. It is essential to remember that a feeling of hunger also contributes to insomnia. Eat three hours before going to bed and this rule is not only for those who are losing weight!

Reason 4: Smoking. Not everyone knows that nicotine is almost as potent an energy stimulant as caffeine.
How to fight: Ideally you have to completely quit smoking. It is quite obvious that not everyone is capable of quitting, and that is why it is advised not to smoke at least two to three hours before bedtime.

Reason 5: Drinking alcohol. Yes, especially at night! Some people with insomnia drink a small dose of alcohol “to fall asleep faster.” However, the regular ingestion of any dose of alcohol into the body leaves an imprint on the functioning of the nervous system and can be the cause of a nervous breakdown.
How to deal: Break the pattern of drinking by indulging yourself in alternative activities at the exact same time you use to drink. You can go for a walk or exercise deep breathing to relax and clear your mind. You can also choose to do something creative as per your level of interest.

Reason 6: Lack of rest during the day. Modern man is active and overwhelmed with work matters and other household duties so much that he is used to considering rest an occupation for wimps. We deliberately burden ourselves with additional responsibilities after the core, so as not to look too loose.
How to fight: In the afternoon, give yourself a break at least a couple of minutes before embarking on a new business. So, fatigue will not accumulate. Fans of evening fitness are advised to finish their workouts not later than 8–9 o’clock in the evening so that the body has time to tune in to sleep. Calm walks also relieve the stress accumulated during the day.

Reason 7: Nightmares. Bad dreams are one of the common causes of insomnia. You are subconsciously afraid to see a nightmare, and the body begins to actively resist sleep.
How to fight: Nightmares can dream of each of us, there is nothing supernatural in this. Moreover, the most terrible dreams for us are not even those where a six-armed killer maniac with a knife in each hand drives you into a dilapidated plant and just disappears (in a dream this often happens). Terrible dreams are those where events from real life are mixed into one big illogical com. To avoid such nightmares, try to free your head from chaotic thoughts. The ideal recipe is meditation. If you still do not feel the strength to seriously engage in it, start with yoga, Pilates and other relaxing exercises.

Reason 8: Disturbed sleep patterns. We cannot sleep for two days, then sleep a couple of hours and continue to do our own thing normally. Everything seems to be fine, but at some point, the body just malfunctions. And not because the body is such an insidious cruel, but simply because the body works on the principle of a battery. By not allowing the body to charge in time, you yourself bring this moment closer.
How to fight: The best time to sleep is eight hours. Depending on who you are, an owl or an early bird, you can choose your own schedule. Even for people working in shifts or students working on essay assignments at night, there are ways. By going to bed at the exact same time on alternate day and night, the body will get habitual to it and stop resisting. Students can choose to get essay help and opt for better sleep instead of spending sleepless nights.

Reason 9: Information flow. Information surrounds us everywhere, on the Internet, on television, and in our own head (this is information about problems concerning us personally). It is worth distracting from physical affairs, as a real information war opens in the head. Everything heard and experienced during the day is trying to fight for your attention. It doesn’t matter to your body at all that you are already struggling to fall asleep.
How to deal: Distribute cases according to the complexity so that in the evening you have the easiest and most pleasant ones that will “block” the impression of difficult news or difficult tasks. Relax before bedtime with a massage or a soothing solution of lavender and chamomile.

Reason 10: Uncomfortable items for sleeping. Such items can be pyjamas, bedding, a bed, a mattress and everything that relates to comfort in a dream (that is, it concerns you directly).
 How to deal: Choose a comfortable bed that is the epitome of ease and comfort. If there is light in your room which is annoying you, try a sleep mask that will help you get total darkness for good sleep. Wear comfortable and loose clothes.

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