Saturday 22 May 2021

Coronavirus: Can COVID-19 trigger insomnia? Here are the signs and treatment


The past few months have been no less than a roller coaster ride for all of us. It has been even tough for people who are already suffering from mental health issues.

The disease has not just affected people physically but mentally too. The fear of not being able to meet your loved ones, the anxiousness of what if you or someone else in your family catches the infection, all this has taken a serious toll on our mental health.

As per experts, COVID is leading to insomnia in many people apart from triggering many other physical and mental health problems.
Many people are suffering from insomnia along with depression and anxiety post COVID recovery. If you are someone suffering from the same, here is all you need to know about the symptoms and treatment. 

Symptoms of insomnia

Insomnia is a sleep disorder where a person fails to catch enough sleep. The sleep cycle of the person gets affected in this case. This can hamper the recovery and lead to many other issues. Some common symptoms of insomnia include trouble falling asleep and not feeling fresh after getting up. It can lead to some symptoms of fatigue, irritation and mood changes.

Why are people facing insomnia post COVID?

There are various reasons why people face insomnia post COVID recovery. Some of the reasons include anxiety, stress and loneliness triggered by staying alone for weeks in isolation or being hospitalised in critical condition. Along with this, daytime napping also leads to a problem in falling asleep at night. Thus, it is advised for patients to not take long naps during the day.

Ways to treat insomnia post-COVID?

Recovering from the side effects triggered by COVID may take time. You must talk to your doctor about the problems that you are facing and follow their advice.

Here are some easy ways suggested by experts that can help you feel relaxed and sleep better.

Cut down screen time

With nothing to do and nowhere to go, we all are glued to our phone for longer than usual. It is suggested to cut down the screen time and stay away from social media to relax your mind a bit.

Bedtime routine

Having a bedtime routine can help you fall asleep easily. Set a time and try to go to bed at that same time every day.

Say no to caffeinated beverages

Caffeine can hamper your sleep. Thus, it's best to stick to non-caffeinated beverages to promote good sleep.

Move more

Staying active reduces stress and thus promotes sleep. If you are not fit enough to perform any exercise, you can simply walk into your room.

Medication and meditation

Do not forget to have the prescribed medicines on time. Doing meditation and other things that make you feel at peace can also help you sleep.

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