Thursday 27 October 2022

Tired of Insomnia? Try these 3 simple yoga practices to fall asleep faster


If sleep is evading you and making you toss and turn in bed, try these yoga poses to fall asleep faster

After the pandemic, Insomnia or issues with sleeping are emerging to be very common. The stressful schedule and sedentary lifestyle are leading us to ruin our sleeping patterns. It is usual to experience bouts of insomnia every now and then. Thanks to the excessive use of technology and fast-paced lifestyles that getting a deep night’s sleep feels like a mere dream. Well, we are here with some yoga practices that can help in falling asleep faster.

                                                            Try yoga practices to deal with Insomnia
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3 yoga poses for instant sleep

1. Balasana or Child’s pose can improve sleep

The child’s pose is one of the simplest yoga poses that can help relax your body anytime. While balasana is good for backache, the results of performing this pose are overwhelming for sleep. If getting a good night’s sleep is a concern, turn to this asana for soothing the mind and relieving all the stress, fatigue, and tension. Alongside, it also gives a good massage to abdominal muscles. This pose releases all pent-up energy and helps to unwind and fall asleep faster.

How to perform Balasana?

Step 1: Sitting on your heels, slowly move to the table pose

Step 2: Exhale and lower the hips to the heels.
Step 3: Stick your forehead on the floor while keeping your knees together.
Step 4: Put your arms overhead with palms on the floor.
Step 5: Breath slowly and deeply, pressing the belly against the thighs.
Step 6: Hold for 4-12 breaths.
Step 7: Place your palms under the shoulders and slowly inhale up and come to a seated position and relax.

2. Perform Setubandhasana to sleep better and faster

The bridge pose is an amazing remedy for sleeplessness. It helps reduce fatigue, anxiety, and insomnia. This pose gives a good stretch to the chest, neck, spine, and hips. Also, alleviates mild symptoms of stress and depression.

How to perform Setubandhasana?

Step 1: Start by lying on your back with your feet hip-width distance apart (To check the accuracy, see if you can touch your middle finger to your heels)
Step 2: Inhale and raise the hips, bringing them as high as you can.
Step 3: Lift yourself so high that your chest comes into your skin (Be gentle with your body and lower down if it hurts).
Step 4: Hold the pose for as long as you can.
Step 5: Bring your back down and release the pose by coming back to the normal position.

3. Baddhakonasana or Butterfly pose can help to relax

Butterfly pose is a meditative asana that helps to relax the body and invokes calmness in the mind. Thus, it can help cure insomnia and help to dive deeper into a good night’s sleep.

How to perform butterfly pose?

Step 1: Stretch your legs out by keeping them parallel.
Step 2: Draw your one leg in the same line. And then, draw the other one in.
Step 3: When both the soles of your feet are together, then your hands are behind you with fingers pointing away from you.
Step 4: Push into your palms and roll your shoulders back and keep your shoulders bag. Notice how your knees automatically come down.
Step 5: Hold this position without letting it go. Breath deeply. Exhale, relaxing your inner thigh muscles. Hold for at least 10 breaths.
Step 6: Release by bringing your arms forward and slowly stretching the legs out. Shake your legs to let go of any built-up tension or stress.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Please consult a doctor before starting any fitness regime or medical advice.


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