Thursday 17 November 2022

Don't Mess Up Your Body Clocks


By Michael Roizen, M.D.

Actress Kim Cattrall says her battles with insomnia affect her ability to think clearly. “I can't hold on to ideas, thoughts, even tasks."

But your internal body clocks affect more than your mental powers. If you contend with insomnia, chronic stress, frequent jet lag, night-time snacking, or an irregular work schedule, you're increasing your risk for cancer, obesity, depression, and metabolic diseases such as diabetes.

What are your body clocks? The most well-known is the one that controls your 24-hour sleep-wake cycle. There are also 24-hour (circadian) body rhythms that affect hormonal activity, body temperature, digestion, and immune function.

Then there's the master clock — the suprachiasmatic nucleus — which influences all of the other body clocks directly or indirectly. It's made up of around 20,000 nerve cells and receives input from the eyes. As they perceive daylight and night-time darkness, they tell your body's cells and brain chemicals to act accordingly.

Everyone's body clocks are slightly different, but one thing is certain: If you mess with them, they mess with you.

For example, a study published in the journal Science Advances shows that chronic circadian disruption makes mice more likely to develop lung cancer — and that's likely true for people too.

Fortunately, you can harness your body clocks to improve your health. Aim for the same seven to eight hours of sleep nightly; avoid blue light (digital devices) for two hours before bedtime; sleep in darkness; and get sunlight in early morning.

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