Friday 3 March 2023

How to Overcome Insomnia With Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


Insomnia is a sleep disorder that affects millions of people globally. Insomnia can significantly impact a person's daily life, causing fatigue, mood swings, difficulty concentrating, and even depression. This article will explore a treatment for insomnia called cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I)

Key takeaways:

  • CBT-I is a multicomponent treatment that combines cognitive, behavioural, and psychoeducational approaches to address the root cause of insomnia.

  • Cognitive restructuring helps challenge negative sleep-related thoughts, leading to healthier sleep habits and long-term improvements in well-being.

  • Establishing healthy sleep hygiene habits, such as maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and creating a peaceful bedtime environment, can help to promote restful and healthy sleep patterns.

  • Insomnia can be cured with the help of a trained professional using CBT-I, which leads to substantial improvements in duration and quality of sleep.

People with insomnia have trouble getting and feeling rested. This affects various aspects of their daily lives negatively. Cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) aims to modify sleep patterns and provide people with simple strategies to fall and stay asleep. Proper sleep improves productivity and well-being, and helps people to focus.

Woman having a hard time falling asleep

What is insomnia?

Insomnia is a chronic sleep condition characterized by difficulties getting asleep, remaining asleep, and waking up too early. It can affect people of all ages and lead to daytime fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. Several factors can contribute to insomnia, such as stress, anxiety, depression, medical conditions, and certain medications. While medication can treat insomnia, cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is a non-invasive and effective treatment that can help individuals overcome their insomnia.

Insomnia is often linked to other physical and psychological conditions. For example, chronic insomnia has been associated with a range of health problems, including high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, chronic pain, and mood disorders like depression and anxiety.

How does CBT-I work for insomnia:

Cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia explores the relationship between thoughts, behaviours and sleep. A skilled CBT-I therapist will identify thoughts, feelings, or behaviours that may be contributing to the symptoms of insomnia. During treatment, thoughts, and feelings about sleep are analysed and tested for accuracy, while behaviours are assessed for their impact on sleep. Any misconceptions or obstacles to restful sleep are then addressed by the therapist through clarifications and reframing to promote healthy sleep behaviours.

Analysing thoughts, feelings, and actions

The interplay between thoughts, feelings, and actions can contribute to insomnia in different ways. For example:

  • Thoughts. Negative, racing, or intrusive thoughts can make sleeping difficult. For example, worrying about things that can go wrong, dwelling on bad things that happened in the past, or heightened anxiety about not being able to sleep can keep you awake at night.
  • Feelings. Emotions such as anxiety, frustration, anger, or loneliness can make it difficult to fall or stay asleep.
  • Actions. Poor sleep habits or a lack of sleep hygiene can have a detrimental effect on sleep. Counterproductive habits include using a cell phone or laptop before bedtime, drinking caffeine or alcohol, or having an irregular sleep schedule.

Learning about sleep hygiene

Sleep hygiene refers to a set of healthy sleep behaviours that can improve the quality and quantity of sleep. These habits include:

  • Maintaining a consistent sleep and wake-up routine, even on weekends and holidays.
  • Creating a comfortable, quiet, cool, and dark sleeping environment.
  • Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation can be useful for reducing stress and promoting relaxation.
  • Avoiding or reducing stimulants like caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol, particularly close to bedtime.
  • Engaging in regular physical activity can promote healthy sleep, but try to avoid intense exercise close to bedtime.
  • Minimise exposure to electronic devices before bedtime because the blue light they emit can inhibit the production of melatonin, a hormone that plays an important role in regulating sleep.
  • Developing a relaxing bedtime routine to signal to your body that it's time to sleep, such as taking a warm bath, reading a book, or listening to relaxing music.

Cognitive restructuring techniques

The term “cognitive” refers to how we think and how our thoughts affect our emotions and behaviours. By challenging negative thoughts and replacing them with more accurate and helpful ones, patients can reduce anxiety and improve their ability to fall and stay asleep. This may involve techniques such as thought-stopping, thought substitution, and cognitive reframing.

Behavioural interventions

Behavioural interventions focus on changing behaviours and habits that can contribute to insomnia. Some common behavioural interventions used in CBT-I include:

  • Relaxation training. Patients learn relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing, and visualization exercises to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.
  • Stimulus control. This involves making changes to the sleep environment and sleep routine to establish a strong association between the bed and sleep. For example, patients are encouraged to use the bed only when sleepy.
  • Sleep restriction. This technique involves reducing the time spent in bed to match the amount of sleep a patient gets. This helps build a stronger association between the bed and sleep and can help consolidate sleep.

Psychoeducational interventions

In psychoeducational interventions, the therapist teaches the patient about the connection between thoughts, feelings, behaviours, and sleep. Some common psychoeducational interventions used in CBT-I include:

  • Sleep education. Patients are taught about the physiology of sleep, the different stages of sleep, and the importance of good sleep hygiene practices.
  • Cognitive model of insomnia. Patients are taught about the cognitive model of insomnia, which describes how negative thoughts and beliefs about sleep can contribute to insomnia.
  • Sleep-promoting behaviours. Patients are taught about the behaviours and habits that can promote good sleep, such as regular exercise, healthy eating, and maintaining a regular sleep schedule.

How long does the treatment take?

The number of sessions needed for CBT-I can vary depending on the severity of a person's insomnia and their individual needs. Typically, a full course of CBT-I will involve six to eight sessions with a trained therapist, but it may require more or fewer sessions depending on the individual's progress and the complexity of their insomnia.

Is CBT-I effective?

Researchers believe that CBT-I is an effective treatment for insomnia. In addition, research has consistently shown that CBT-I can improve sleep quality and quantity in the short and long term.

Before resorting to medication, CBT-I is often the first treatment choice for chronic insomnia. It has been shown to be effective for a wide range of patients, including those with comorbid medical or psychiatric conditions.

Insomnia can be very frustrating for someone suffering from a lack of quality, consistent sleep. However, fortunately, there are effective strategies for improving sleep quality, including the following:

  • Stick to a consistent sleep routine, even on weekends.
  • Establish a calming bedtime ritual to help your body prepare for sleep.
  • Avoid stimulating activities and electronics before going to bed.
  • Limit your intake of caffeine and alcohol, especially in the evening.
  • Avoid taking naps during the day, especially in the afternoon, as it can disrupt your night-time sleep.

Insomnia can be a difficult and frustrating condition to manage, but it is curable. With the help of cognitive-behavioural therapy and good sleep hygiene practices, you can make significant progress in getting the restful sleep you need. Remember, it's important to be patient and kind to yourself as you work through this process, and don't hesitate to reach out for support from your healthcare provider or a mental health professional. Better sleep is possible, and you deserve to experience the restorative benefits it can provide.

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