Wednesday 5 June 2024

Expert says 'eat before bed' and lists best foods to beat insomnia


We all know how important sleep is for our mood, energy levels and general wellbeing, so what can you do to ensure a restful night's sleep? With Healthy Eating Week commencing on June 10, an expert at Sleepseeker has provided insights on which food and drink you should incorporate into your diet to help improve your sleep.

                                                                                  Credit: (Image: Alamy/PA)

Anush Pervez said: “We recommend aiming for between seven and nine hours of uninterrupted sleep each night to help boost your immune system and keep your brain healthy. Sleep is not something that comes easily to a lot of people and there are lots of different tips and tricks out there to help you sleep better. One factor that is often overlooked is how your diet can affect your sleep quality.

“The foods you eat and the timings of your meals can influence how easily you fall asleep and how restful the night is. A light snack before bed is recommended, especially for insomniacs as having a small amount of food in your system can help you to sleep and will prevent any hunger-related disturbances.

“Everyone reacts differently to food, however, as a general rule some items, such as coffee and other caffeine drinks, should be limited to earlier hours of the day to prevent any disruptions to your sleep. Similarly, there are certain foods that we encourage you to incorporate into your meals and snacks in the later hours of the day.”

Five foods and drinks that can help you sleep better


While eating a large amount of protein right before going to sleep is not recommended, in moderation foods such as Turkey can help to improve sleep quality and reduce disturbances. Turkey contains tryptophan, an amino acid that increases the body's melatonin levels and helps with sleep.

Fatty Fish

Incorporating fish such as salmon or tuna into your dinners is an easy way to increase your vitamin D intake. A lack of vitamin D can increase the risk of sleep disorders and difficulties sleeping so alongside making an effort to spend some time outside, increasing the quantity of vitamin D-rich foods in your diet can help to improve sleep.

Herbal Teas

Switching out one of your daily coffees for a herbal tea like Chamomile can also help improve your sleep quality. Chamomile tea helps to reduce anxiety which in turn can lead to more restful sleep. Similarly, it contains antioxidants which have been said to reduce insomnia.


Adding a small amount of honey to an afternoon snack or evening meal can also have sleep benefits. Honey contains the sugar glucose which can lower the brain's orexin levels, a neuropeptide which regulates wakefulness.


We recommend eating nuts such as walnuts and pistachios which, alongside being high in vitamins and minerals, are some of the most melatonin-rich foods. Due to their high levels of melatonin, eating a handful of these nuts before bed may help improve your sleep quality.


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