Tuesday 17 September 2024

Which Countries Top the Charts for Worst Sleep Habits?

From athletechnews.com

recent study conducted by Onebed has identified the countries where people struggle with sleep the most. The study analysed factors like average hours of sleep, air quality, noise pollution, stress levels, and the volume of Google searches related to sleep deprivation and insomnia.

Australia emerged as the nation with the worst sleep habits, despite its relatively high average hours of sleep per night. Australians average 6.24 hours of sleep per night, but despite spending more time in bed than in many other countries, sleep quality remains concerning. There is a high volume of Google searches for terms like “sleep deprivation” (66,450 monthly searches) and “insomnia remedies” (47,770 monthly searches). Additionally, noise pollution, a known disruptor of restful sleep, is a major issue in Australia.

Dylan Tollemache, Co-Founder & CEO of Onebed, commented, “Sleep is something we all need, but it’s becoming increasingly clear just how challenging it is for people across the globe to get a decent night’s rest. It’s no surprise to see Australia leading the charge, with so many of us turning to the internet for help with sleep issues. What struck me most was the sheer volume of searches for sleep-related problems here in Australia, even though we’re getting the most hours in bed. It’s clear that sleep quality is becoming a bigger concern.”

Americans are also struggling with sleep. The average amount of sleep per night in the country is just 5.7 hours, the lowest among the top ten countries analysed. With stress levels at 7.29 and noise pollution at 46.56, the U.S. has dire sleep issues. There are also 1.1 million monthly Google searches for terms like “sleep deprivation” and “insomnia remedies,” far surpassing any other country.

The Philippines ranks third with a composite score of 0.879, suffering from the highest noise pollution levels at 55.60 and significant stress, both of which contribute to poor sleep quality. Residents average 6.13 hours of sleep per night.

The United Kingdom is fourth, with relatively better sleep habits compared to the top three. However, the U.K. still faces sleep challenges, averaging 6.8 hours of sleep per night. Although stress levels are more moderate at 5.0, the country still sees over 220,000 monthly searches related to sleep problems.

Mexico ranks fifth, with the worst air quality among the top ten countries (scoring 103 on the air quality index), along with high noise pollution levels. These environmental issues contribute to the country’s sleep struggles, despite residents averaging 6.62 hours of sleep per night.

The study’s results highlight the importance of raising awareness about sleep quality. Stress reduction, noise pollution, and air quality all contribute to the concerning sleep issues across these different countries. With the United States receiving the second-worst scores, promoting meditation and sleep aid tools can have a lasting impact on Americans’ health and wellness.


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