Friday 1 April 2016

4 essential oils that help you fight insomnia

By Anuradha Varanasi

Late nights have become a norm for many of us, and we go about feeling groggy and tired the next day. If you've been struggling to fall asleep on time, these essential oils might help in acting as a natural sedative and the best part is, they have absolutely no side-effects!
Sandalwood oil: This oil is commonly used in aromatherapy for different symptoms. Japanese researchers discovered that inhaling sandalwood oil can have sedating effects on sleep disturbed rats due to a compound known as santalol.
Lavender oil: Several studies have reported how lavender oil has soothing effects on the mind and body, and is highly effective as a mild sedative. You can either inhale the oil after adding a few drops to a tissue paper or use in a diffuser. Another relaxing idea would be to add a few drops to a bucket of warm water and use it for bathing, if you don't have a tub.
Chamomile Oil: Just like lavender oil, even chamomile oil acts as a mild sedative and is commonly used to fight against insomnia. Other than that, it is also an effective natural remedy to ease depression and anxiety.
Jasmine Oil: German researchers discovered that jasmine oil is extremely useful in acting as a natural sedative. In fact, believe it or not, but their study concluded that jasmine oil is as calming as valium. The best part is, inhaling jasmine oil has absolutely no side-effects, unlike valium!

1 comment:

  1. What a sensational post! I can not take it that these 5 essential oils can help us in fighting against insomnia. i would love to share your blog leaps and bounds.
