Tuesday 26 March 2019

Eight ways to trick yourself to sleep: Insomnia-busting ideas from a Welsh sleep guru

From walesonline.co.uk/news/health

Kim Jones, an author from Cardiff, shares her sneaky switch-off tactics

Almost a third of us regularly struggle to get a good night's sleep.
But there are plenty of ways you can trick yourself into sleepy submission.

1. Take a bath or warm shower at 9pm

It’s not actually the warmth of the water that helps you nod off - though it is lovely and relaxing, of course.
Rather, it’s all to do with a decrease in your body temperature when you get out of the tub.
Here’s how it works: Every night, your body’s core temperature needs to "fall in order" to send a message to your brain - so it can to pump out the sleepy hormone melatonin.
Soaking in warm water, or taking a hot shower, sends blood to your skin’s surface. And when you get out of the bath, your dilated blood vessels quickly radiate heat away from your body’s core. This helps your temperature to drop and send that message to your brain to produce melatonin.
In fact, a Loughborough University study found that people who took warm baths at 9pm dropped off more quickly and had better sleep than those who bathed earlier on.

2. Dim the lights

Another key tip is to avoid bright lights in the evening.
They fool your body into acting as if it’s daytime, making you feel more alert and stopping the natural rise in melatonin production that darkness should naturally bring.
Use the dimmer switch on overhead lights or – better still – use only lamps with low, warm, soothing lighting and low-wattage dimmable bulbs.

3. Dangle like a rag doll

In yoga, any move where you place your head below your heart is said to calm the nervous system.
But don’t worry - you don’t have to be flexible or tie yourself into knots to do this. Simply stand with your arms above your head and then fold your body downwards from the hips, reaching with your hands towards your toes as far as comfortable.

Then simply hang there like a rag doll, loosely shaking your arms back and forth and softening your knees so everything feels comfortable.

4. Sigh

Research has shown that the simple act of sighing can ease and release stress and muscle tension in your body – quite literally a sigh of relief, then.
Either before you get in to bed, or when you're lying there, breathe in deeply and on your out breath, let out a long, slow sigh. Repeat several times and you should feel more relaxed and ready for sleep.

5. Give your mind a pleasurable project

Plenty of sleep studies have found that "cognitive distraction" - steering your mind away from worries to pleasant thoughts - can help you drift off.
But how can you do this easily? Try giving your mind an imaginary, but not too taxing, task to do as you lie in bed.
Perhaps picture making a show-stopper of a cake or ponder over how you'd revamp a garden shed into a games or sewing room.
The task needs to be captivating enough to take your mind away from anything that’s worrying you – but not so exciting that it keeps you awake.
And do keep the task a fantasy. Don’t go planning a project you're going to do for real – or stress might set in.

6. Take your brain to paradise

                                                             (Image: PA/ThinkStock)

Think of something positive. Guided imagery is a proven relaxation technique that creates calm in your mind by helping you summon up mental images of being in a safe and perfectly peaceful place.
It has been shown to calm patients in hospital settings and help them sleep. You can download recordings or apps of guided imagery that can help transport you to anything from a powder-white tropical beach to a sun-filled meadow.

7. Squeeze yourself to sleep

Your body has to be relaxed to fall asleep easily.  But loosening tense areas in your body is easier said than done.
An easy way to slacken stubborn muscles is to squeeze them, then release.
Start from your toes - squeeze and curl them up for five seconds, then release.
Work up your body - circling your ankles, then letting them drop; tensing and releasing your calf muscles your thighs, bottom and so on - all the way to your eyelids and forehead.

This technique, sometimes called progressive muscle relaxation, has been found in studies to lead to better, more restful sleep.

8. Slow your breath

Most of us breathe too fast and shallowly, and that sends a message to our bodies that we are in fight or flight mode - hardly the ideal state in which to fall asleep.
Simply slowing your breathing down to six breaths a minute can help reduce blood pressure, heart rate and induce feelings of calm. The way to do this is breath in for a count of four and out for a count of six.
It may feel quite an effort at first, but with regular practice this will become easier.


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