Sunday 28 February 2021

Five foods that cause insomnia, do not eat them before bed


Unless you have a lot of work and want to stay awake, nights never seem like a good time to drink coffee, because its caffeine content just interferes with our states of drowsiness, and at night we do not want that.

But coffee is not the only thing you should avoid if you want to sleep well.


This is a food that really makes us happy, because it contains substances such as phenylethylamine, which in the brain produce a feeling of happiness and well-being.

But also has theobromine a stimulant of the nervous system that acts very similar to the caffeine, which is also found in chocolates: eating 100 grams of dark chocolate is equivalent to drinking half a cup of coffee.


Not only can caffeine interfere with your sleep, another compound that has that effect is tyramine, which is present in many foods, such as ripe cheeses.

Tyramine is also produced naturally in our body and is involved in the regulation of blood pressure, but a higher amount than normal in the body can cause headaches to sleep difficulties.

So avoid eating cheese at night or at least prefer a fresh cheese, which contains less tyramine.


Many high-protein foods have tyramine, but the amount of this substance increases with the processes of maturation or fermentation.

Processed meats, but especially cold cuts and cured meats such as hams, salamis, and hot dogs, have a higher content of tyramine, which can interfere with your intentions to fall asleep early.

Spicy foods

In this case, the problem that you will find is not precisely associated with the spiciness or the spices themselves, but with the stomach irritation and indigestion that these types of foods can cause: no one can get a good night’s rest with a restless or bloated stomach.

In addition, the spicy contributes to increase your body temperature, which makes it more difficult to fall asleep, so do not eat anything spicy or spicy before your bedtime.

Alcoholic drinks

It is almost time to sleep and you think that having a glass of wine is a good idea, well every time you drink a little alcohol you feel sleepy and want to sleep. But think twice.

While it is true that alcohol induces sleep faster, in reality the quality of this will not be very good: you will have a light and shallow sleep, so the next day you will feel almost as if you had insomnia the night before.

So if you want to have a healthy sleep, you better not forget to say health, right before sleeping.

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