Monday 1 March 2021

Five ways sleeping with your heating on impacts your health


Studies have shown that just under half of people who sleep with their heating on have expressed health woes the next day

Sometimes when we wake up, we may feel a bit under the weather — our throat is dry so we reach for a glass or experience flu-like symptoms. In addition, research shows that consistently using central heating systems can slow the metabolism, dehydrate the skin and spark allergies.

Before you dial for your doctor, Heating Wise have shared a five ways that your sleep may be impacting on your health.

A heated sleep

According to Google Tend Data, the search term insomnia has received a 600% rise in searches within the last month alone. Such a rise reflects the growing popularity of the condition and the nations determination to gain insight into why insomnia is disrupting their sleep patterns.

Studies at the University of Australia reveal that a person who suffers from insomnia tend to hold a high body temperature throughout the night. A body temperature that is just a fraction higher than average can majorly disrupt sleep.

The body’s circadian rhythm sees the body’s internal temperature naturally rise and fall throughout the day by the expansion in the skins blood vessels however, it steadily decreases throughout the evening all the way through to the early hours of 5am.


Studies at the University of Australia reveal that a person who suffers from insomnia tend to hold a high body temperature throughout the night. A body temperature that is just a fraction higher than average can majorly disrupt sleep

If the sleeping environment is at an unnatural temperature, this will disturb the body’s internal temperature therefore, hindering sleep. The ideal room temperature for sleep is 65F or 18C, no matter what the time of year.

If the sleeping environment is too hot the internal body temperature will be too high and in turn, the circadian rhythm knocked out of whack. Essentially, as the body is unable to cool, the circadian rhythm cannot signal that sleep must ensue, leaving a person awake. As tempting as it is to create a cosy warm environment for sleep, it is better for it to be on the cool side.

Beware of memory foam mattresses that can hold heat and radiators providing consistent heat close to bedtime.

Dehydration station

A common misconception is that cooler weather paves the way to dry skin and even the flare up of skin conditions such as eczema. However, whilst the weather may contribute, it is central heating that causes a major impact on the skin.

Throughout cooler months, we experience extreme contrasting temperatures from space to space. Such differences are likely to be the result of central heating.

For instance, as we return inside from outdoor temperatures, there can be an instantaneous 10-degree difference. This causes the blood vessels to dilate, triggering redness of the skin.

Central heating robs moisture from the air, amplifying the drying effects from the coolness outdoors. In order to combat the drying nature that central heating can cause, invest in a humidifier. Humidifiers work to introduce moisture back into the air, preventing severe dryness of the skin.

The flu

As much of the nation continues to work from home, it can be tempting to keep central heating running consistently throughout the day.

However, this practice can increase flu like symptoms as the dryer air causes dehydration of the respiration system. The cilia are hairs that cover the sinuses which are then covered in mucus.

The functionality of mucus within the nose is to clean and prevent illness by the hairs moving to the throat in order to cleanse the sinuses and throat of objects. However, if the mucus is dry, it cannot perform this function.

Instead, the mucus evolves into a scab like object, stopping the hairs from moving and leading to minor infections. Consistent use of central heating can spark this process and for that reason, should be used periodically rather than consistently.

Slow Motion Metabolism

Sustaining a warm indoor environment sees that the body no longer needs to burn additional calories in order to stay warm. Fifty percent of your daily calorie burn fuels the maintenance of your core temperature.

In fact, those who fall into the category of obese tend to have a higher internal body temperature than those that do not. When we are cold, the body shivers. This is an attempt to create heat and in turn, burn calories.

The body halts the shivering when the body has created enough heat however, the calories will continue to burn. Essentially, a cooler environment leads to the burning of more calories, which may serve as another reason to avoid consistent heating.

Allergies + heating

People can often wonder why they are experiencing allergy symptoms throughout the winter months.

As it turns out, it could be the result of the central heating system. Dust, pollen and general allergens all collect in ventilation systems throughout the house and lay dormant.

When the heating system is switched on, they rise into the air where they are then inhaled and aggravate allergies.

If you are continuing to suffer from consistent sneezing, headaches and/or coughing, clean the ventilated areas in your house as well as the radiators.

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